About Me

Pentti Nieminen PhD, PhLic, MSc

Affiliation: Scientist Emeritus, University of Oulu, Finland
Email: pentti.nieminen@oulu.fi

ORCID iD icon ORCID: 0000-0003-0591-586X
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I am a retired associate professor of medical research methodology and statistics. After 40 years of academic teaching, I retired from higher education at the end of 2019 . I currently hold a light university appointment as an independent emeritus scientist. The advantage of this position is that it removes many of the disadvantages, such as numerous meeting commitments, administrative tasks and writing grant applications to funders. 

My research is interdisciplinary.  I am passionate about scientific publications. My current research projects include studies on statistical intensity and reporting quality in medical articles. I am also active in statistical reviewing for scientific journals. My aim is to improve the quality of published research and, through my experience in data analysis, to contribute to societal welfare and human well-being. 

Fields of research

Biostatistics, medical data analysis, datainformatics, statistical data science, statistics in scientific journals, statistical reporting, data presentation, regression models, publications, meta-analysis, bibliometrics, information retrieval.


To date, I have published 268 scientific articles or other publications. Of these, I am the first author in 53 publications.

Read more about my publications.

Editorial positions

  • Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences, Topic Editor 2019-
  • BioMedInformatics, Section Editor-in-Chief 2022-
  • Academic Editor of seven scientific journals between 2011-2024
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Associate Editor 2015-2018

A total of 266 editor assignments with final disposition for nine journals between 2011-2024.

Per review activity

A total of 263 verified reviews for 98 scientific journals.

Journals with the highest number of reviews: BMC Medical Research Methodology, BMJ Open, Materials, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Applied Sciences, Medical Education, Biomarkers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

PhD training

I have supervised 12 doctoral dissertations (PhD thesis). In addition to these, I have 62 dissertation books on my bookshelf, which I have received from PhD students as a memory of the training and guidance I have provided them during their dissertation process.

Teaching activities 1980-2019

Provider, lecturer and responsible teacher of regular higher education courses
  • 72 courses in medicine and dentistry
  • 70 courses in health care
  • 7 courses in applied mathematics and statistics
  • I have worked as a teacher for over 7400 undergraduate university students
Provider, lecturer and responsible teacher of PhD courses
  • 33 courses in data analysis, statistical computing, study design and scientific communication
Invited courses, workshops and lectures
  • 48 short courses in data analysis methods, statistical computing and scientific communication in different disciplines
  • 56 invited educational lectures in research methods
  • Instructor in 14 applied mathematics and statistics courses
  • Instructor in 10 health care courses
Hobbies and interests
  • Orienteering: Active participant in orienteering events for non-professionals in the local area.
  • Football: I have supported and followed Ipswich Town FC for over 50 years.
  • International travel: Making and planning annual trips to different countries to experience new cultures.